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200hr Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Jan.14th-Feb.7th, 2022 in Rishikesh


200hr Teacher Training

with Julia Marie McCabe and Crystal Rainbow Borrelli January 14th-February 7th,2022


We can imagine no better place to learn to be a yoga teacher than the birth place of yoga - Rishikesh, India! Join Julia and Crystal for a month at the Dewa Retreat Centre and immerse yourself in the incredible training they will provide.



This course is designed for students who are looking to immerse in yoga for personal growth or to teach. The desire to teach is not a pre-requisite to take this course, however, to uphold the integrity of this experience we will approach this program with the mindset as though we am training all of you to be the best teachers out there. It is the mission statement of Julias school to teach you with integrity, tradition and modernity in fusion with your personality and offerings. Of course we plan to have fun as well! However, expect hard work in between play.

We spend around 150 hours or so together – the Yoga Alliance calls these “Contact Hours”. The remaining hours are considered “Non-Contact Hours.”  For example, assigned readings, homework, practice teaching when we are not around to supervise, are considered Non-Contact. As for teaching, it’s a personal decision for many – some prefer to stay put as a student, for others it is a strong call. Either way, it’s an education you won’t regret.

There are many methods of yoga that essentially lead us all to the same place – which is why it is difficult to label this school to one “type” of yoga. We will prepare you to teach a strong flow, sometimes called a “power” or vinyasa style class. You can expect a great deal of attention will be paid to alignment, clarity and method during our time together. Julia is deeply invested in how breath work helps alter the physical and mental experience of all practitioners for the better.

TUITION & INVESTMENT: The below pricing includes the 200hr training, two manuals, shared accommodation (solo accom costs extra, pls inquire as space is limited) breakfast and dinner. This doesn’t include extra books on reading list, flight or extras activities you may decide to enjoy during free time. The prices listed are for shared accommodation only; please contact The Layered Life directly if you would like to consider a private room.

$4350 CDN Early bird (Before June 30th , 2021)

$4550 CDN (After June 30th, 2021)

A $1500 deposit reserves your space! Click here or the info button above to see what this incredible training experience includes!


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